NOTICE: Community Events Forum

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    Sunday, March 18, 2007

    Regarding the proposal to provide Drug Testing in our High School. As an addictions professional I am in favor of drug testing. The Department of Transportation subjects those with a Commercial Driver’s License to random drug screens, as does the NFL, AFC , Olympics Committee, and many large Corporations who wish to insure that there is a drug free environment in the work place. We as a nation and as community, have focused our attention our children. Providing programs to educate them about the dangers of alcohol, drugs and tobacco. This may be a worthwhile effort, but widely misses the mark of where the real problem lies. Our children are not the primary consumers of alcohol and drugs. By and large they do not produce alcohol and drugs, they do not import drugs and they do not make distribution of drugs. To the distributor they are a market, but not the large market that keeps them in business. That market is adults. Adults import, manufacture, distribute and use the bulk of drugs in this country and in this town. If the adults did not provide the environment for drug use, there would be none. We have made attempts to assuage our National Conscience by pouring millions of dollars into preventative measures focused on our children. Meanwhile we continue to turn a blind eye to the real problem “adults who use and abuse”. Children recognize this hypocrisy as practiced by adults in their family and community. Drug testing of our children would no doubt inhibit their drug consumption. The chance of getting caught is heightened by testing. This approach has worked in other school districts, and is a proven deterrent.

    We would be better served to drug test our adult population. Many of you know those in this community who continue to enjoy“bowl” of cannabis. There are people in West Yellowstone who would argue that majijuana is harmless. Theere are national organizations that promote the legalization of cannabis. The THC’s in cannabis provide permanent changes to the brain.

    Bongs, pipes and other paraphernalia are frequently turned up by police in performance of their duties. Most are aware of the adults who drink daily and neglect their families. Meth madness continues to affect some of our adults. They are recognizable by their black teeth and patches of baldness. Where is the communities concern about these adults who provide the background for drug use by our children? We are too tolerant of those who, in some cases, distort the lives of children through their use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Some years ago the Town Council looked at drug testing of Town Employees, to include the Council members themselves. The measure was not supported and faded away.

    West Yellowstone is a long, long way from being a drug free community. Changing this will have to start with the adults, not the children.

    Jack Clarkson,

    Licensed Addiction Counselor

    Saturday, March 3, 2007


    This WEB site has been established to provide an opportunity for the Community of West Yellowstone to have an accessible place for a Town Calendar. We are asking each orgnanization within the community to access the calendar and post their individual activities.

    All Churches, non-profits, schools, fraternal and patriotic organizations are welcome to post their activites here and provide information regarding their event, time and location. From the town Council meetings to the "Bitch & Stitch" sessions on Tuesday, we hope to cover the entire range of Town events.

    The blog portion is for those who would like to sound off or make their views know on any subject that is relevant to the Town of West Yellowstone and it's residents. Please no profanity, or obscene posting. We are a pleasant community. We welcome suggestion, complaints or criticisms as long as they are constructive.
